INFOGRAPHIC: Confronting the Anxieties of Starting a New Business

by | Mar 7, 2019

Starting a new business can be a source of fear and anxiety for many. However, becoming a business owner might not be as scary as you think. Check out this infographic to learn more about how to confront the anxieties and misconceptions associated with starting a business. 

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Confronting the Anxieties of Starting a New Business

Building a small business is ranked second on the list of scariest “life-changing events.”

The Entrepreneur Advantage

  • 49% of small business owners get between 7 & 8 hours of sleep every night
  • 53% franchise success rate after 5 years
  • 93% of small business owners believe their health is better as a result of running their small business
  • 52% of small business owners work 40 hours a week or less

“Mentors have different viewpoints and experiences that can help push you in the right direction,”

  • 33% of current business owners were working full-time for someone else when starting their business
  • 73% of those who dream about starting a business sat that talking to people firsthand in their situation would be HELPFUL
  • 82% of small business owners who had a mentor while starting their business found mentorship very INFLUENTIAL

“They too may have been challenged with working full-time when they started their businesses and understand how to work through the fears small business owners face.”

With the right preparation, starting a new business doesn’t have to be so scary!

  • More than half of current small business owners say they were BETTER PREPARED to start their business than they thought they were
  • 55% of current small business owners felt PREPARED, as a whole, when they were first starting their business

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